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Nova pravila IPF (trenutni rekordi veljajo do 2010 )

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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27
Prispevkov: 2136
Kraj: Nova Gorica

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Nov 2010 06:48    Naslov sporočila: Nova pravila IPF (trenutni rekordi veljajo do 2010 ) Odgovori s citatom

Na generalni skupščini IPF, dne 10.11.2010 so se odločili za mnoge spremembe v IPF pravilih.

Nekaj odločitev:

* Johnny Graham (ZDA) je bil izvoljen za podpredsednika IPF

*Z letom 2011 (1.1.2011) bodo nove telesne teže kategorij:

Ženske: do 43 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior), 47 kg, 52 kg, 57 kg, 63 kg, 72 kg, 84 kg, +84 kg

Moški: do 53 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior), 59 kg, 66 kg, 74 kg, 83 kg, 93 kg, 105 kg, 120 kg, +120 kg

* V povezavi z novimi kategorijami (telesne teže) bodo postavljeni rekordi do konca leta 2010 zamrznjeni.

Celotna objava na IPF strani:

Wednesday, 10. November 2010

2010 IPF General Assembly-excerpt of some decisionsCategory: World
Here are some information regarding the decisions of the 2010 IPF General Assembly

* Johnny Graham (USA) was elected as IPF Vice President

* New weight classes beginning 1st of January 2011 on international and regional level

Women: up to 43 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior); 47 kg; 52 kg; 57 kg; 63 kg; 72 kg; 84 kg; +84 kg

Men: up to 53 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior); 59 kg; 66 kg; 74 kg; 83 kg; 93 kg; 105 kg; 120 kg; +120 kg

* In connection with the new weight classes new world and regional standards will be introduced and the current record list will be frozen 31st of December 2010

* World and International records can only achieved on World or Regional championships. To achieve World and International records on national championships it is not longer valid.

* The current approved list is frozen until 31st December 2014. No new equipment will be approved.

* Decisions about Technical Rules will be made by the Executive Committee together with every 2 members of the Technical Committee, Women Committee, Athletes Commission and Coach Commission. A 2/3 majority within this group is necessary for changes.

* Bench Press:

- It was deleted: Any pronounced and exaggerated uneven extension of the arms during the lift.

- Feet movement flat on the floor/block/plates are allowed

- Impairment form is deleted.

* Probably July 2012 we host in Sweden an IPF/Eleiko World Powerlifting Classics Championship. This is an unequipped event. Information will follow.

More decisions you will find then in the Minutes, which will be published soon.

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Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2010, 21:17
Prispevkov: 102
Kraj: Maribor

PrispevekObjavljeno: 16 Nov 2010 15:38    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Kaj to pomeni...
* Bench Press:

- It was deleted: Any pronounced and exaggerated uneven extension of the arms during the lift.

- Feet movement flat on the floor/block/plates are allowed

- Impairment form is deleted.
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