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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 20 Apr 2011 15:07 Naslov sporočila: |
Kategorije IBFF:
- over 40
(line up, comparisons, routine)
- over 50
(line up, comparisons, routine)
- under 23 years of age
(line up, comparisons, routine)
Ms. Figure
- one Class
(line up, comparisons, routine)
Ms. Fitness
- one Class
(line up, routine, evening dress)
Ms. Fitness Model
- one Class
(line up, evening dress, no routine)
Mr. Fitness
(line up, comparisons, routine)
- Small : up to and including
1,75m ( -100 +0 )
- Tall : over 1,75m ( -100 +0 )
Mr. Athletic
(line up, comparisons, routine)
- Small : up to and including
1,75m ( -100 +2 )
- Tall : over 1,75m ( -100 +5 )
Men Body Building
(line up, comparisons, routine)
Small : up to and including 1,72m
Midle : 1,73m up to and including 1,79m
Tall : over 1,79m _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 08 Jun 2011 06:34 Naslov sporočila: |
Registrations Athletes :
21. october 2011
16h - 20h
California Fitness
Marežganskega upora 4
Koper, Slovenija
Registrations Athletes Last Minute :
22. october 2011
OŠ Koper ( Bonifika )
adress :
Contest Entry Fees
For each division you enter, you will be required to pay the entry fee and to have a current IBFF entry form ( signed and completed ). Entry fees are 50 eur ( 2 categ. 100 eur ). _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 04 Jul 2011 11:23 Naslov sporočila: |
On arrival, all national teams and officials must check in on Friday 12th of November 2010 ( 16.00 – 20.00 ), at the CALIFORNIA FITNESS – Marežganskega upora 4 ( Šalara – Koper ).
The organization will pay for two nights` bed and breakfast for athletes and one judge each country, if they send 5 and more athletes.
If extra accommodation is required for officials, athletes, guests etc. Please contact the organization as soon as possible.
The prizes for extra nights/guests will be € 70,-- per night/breakfast for double room and € 15,- per ticket (prejudging/finals) and must pay only during by the registration. Extra charge for single-room € 40,- per night! _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 12 Jul 2011 15:51 Naslov sporočila: |
Registrations Athletes :
21. october 2011
16h - 20h
California Fitness
Marežganskega upora 4
Koper, Slovenija
Registrations Athletes Last Minute :
22. october 2011
OŠ Koper ( Bonifika )
adress :
Contest Entry Fees
For each division you enter, you will be required to pay the entry fee and to have a current IBFF entry form ( signed and completed ). Entry fees are 50 eur ( 2 categ. 100 eur ). _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 24 Jul 2011 05:30 Naslov sporočila: |
Letos bo tekmovanje razdeljeno na 3 dele, tako bodo tekmovalci na odru le enkrat ( torej ni več predtekmovanja in finala ). Manj gužve v back-stageju in enostavnejše za vse skupaj, predvsem za tekmovalce.
1. del ( od 11.00 - 13.00 )
Over 40
Over 50
Miss Fitness Model
2. del ( 14.00 - 16.00 )
Mr Fitness small /tall
Mr Athletic small / tall
Miss Fitness
3. del ( 17.00 - 20.00 )
Mr BB small / midle / tall
Miss Figure
Over All Man
Over All Woman _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 19 Avg 2011 07:42 Naslov sporočila: |
Program tekmovanja Mr & Miss WORLD IBFF 2011 / Program of the IBFF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2011 / Programma campionato del MONDO IBFF 2011
21. october 2011 :
-Arriving competitors / prihod tekmovalcev in namestitev v hotele
-Registrations athletes / registracija tekmovalcev : California fitness club, Marežganskega upora 4, KOPER, od 16h do 20h.
22. october 2011 :
11.00 Pričetek tekmovanja 1. Del / Start judging 1st part / Inizio gara
11.00 Over 50 – man ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
11.30 Miss Fitness Model ( evening dress / uscita in abito da sera / izhod v večernih oblekah) SARA RUTAR
11.40 Over 40 – man ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
12.20 Juniores ( under 23 years ), ( prejudging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results )ERIK RUTAR
12.50 Miss Fitness Model ( comparisons, bikini/shoes, results and awards ) SARA RUTAR
14.00 Pričetek tekmovanja 2. del / Start judging 2nd part / Inizio gara
14.00 Mr Fitness Small ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
14.30 Miss Fitness ( evening dress / uscita in abito da sera / izhod v večernih oblekah )
14.40 Mr Fitness Tall ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
15.10 Miss Fitness ( free posing rutine with music, prosti program, pose libere )
15.30 Mr Athletic Small ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
16.00 Mr Athletic Tall ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
16.30 Miss Fitness ( judging – compulsory poses - bikini/shoes , results and awards )
18.00 Pričetek tekmovanja 3. del / Start judging 3rd part / Inizio gara
18.00 Mr BB Small ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine , results and awards )
18.30 Mr BB Middle ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
19.00 Miss Figure ( comparisons in bikini/shoes, free posing rutine, results and awards )
19.30 Mr BB Tall ( judging – compulsory poses – posing rutine, results and awards )
20.10 Over all IBFF MISS WORLD 2011
20.25 Over all IBFF MR WORLD 2011
21.10 Zaključek, The end, Fine _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com
Nazadnje urejal/a Mitch 19 Okt 2011 06:59; skupaj popravljeno 3 krat |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 15 Sep 2011 07:55 Naslov sporočila: |
22. oktober 2011
Koper - dvorana Bonifika
VSTOPNINA - 15 eur
za otroke do 12-tega leta - vstop prost _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com
Nazadnje urejal/a Mitch 10 Okt 2011 20:20; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 11 Okt 2011 13:34 Naslov sporočila: |
IBFF prvenstvo Slovenije 2011
V okviru "IBFF World Championship 2011" 22. okt. v Kopru, bomo končne rezultate brez tujcev uporabili kot rezultate državnega prvenstva IBFF Slovenije 2011. Tekmovalci bodo dobili diplome posebaj za uvrstitve na državnem prvenstvu. _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
Objavljeno: 12 Okt 2011 12:26 Naslov sporočila: |
CITYBURGER BO NA VIDNEM MESTU V DVORANI. _________________ Spletna stran:
E-mail: triatlon.moci@gmail.com |
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Mitch Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 11.09. 2008, 06:27 Prispevkov: 2136 Kraj: Nova Gorica
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